Why No Insurance Might Lead to SR-22 Requirements
Driving is a public activity. You have to take responsibility for your duty to others’ safety. In the event of a problem on the road, more people than just yourself might become involved, after all. That could mean that your auto liability insurance comes into play. But, what if you don’t have it? You might very well find yourself facing a few legal penalties, including an SR-22 form. Why is this the case?
Driving without insurance is dangerous. SR-22s are ways to force uninsured drivers to carry coverage. Nevertheless, you’ll probably thank yourself when you get coverage regardless of requirements. The SR-22 is a significant penalty. It is best to avoid at all costs.
What is an SR-22?
The SR-22 is simply a form. It proves for your state’s police or DMV that you have active car insurance. Contrary to popular belief it is not a policy in and of itself. It only attaches to existing coverage. Not all drivers have to carry SR-22s. They exist as penalties for those who commit particularly serious driving infractions.
Upon committing an offense, a driver’s operating risks automatically increase. Therefore, the need for car insurance goes up as well. High-risk drivers need to have insurance behind them if they cause harm, after all. The SR-22 verifies that the most-hazardous drivers carry active coverage.
Among the infractions that might trigger an SR-22 is if you drive without insurance. Given that the SR-22 deals directly with insurance, it’s easy to understand why going without might trigger the penalty.
Why Driving Without Insurance Might Trigger an SR-22
Most states view car insurance as an important piece of consumer protection. Almost all have laws in place that require drivers to carry minimum levels of coverage.
The amount of coverage you have to carry will vary from state to state. Regardless of amount required, the premise behind these laws is the same. States want to protect not only your own, but also other drivers’ security on the road. There’s always a chance you could cause harm to another party (or they to you). Should this happen, your respective insurance policies come into play.
If you fail to carry coverage, you put both yourself and others in the way of harm. You might struggle to pay for your own damage, or those of others for which you are liable. That increases both parties’ risk of insecurity. No one wants to see that happen. That’s why states might force you to carry an SR-22. It will ensure you always have coverage.
Categories: SR-22
Tags: SR-22 insurance